Saturday, May 27, 2006
Ahh, the sweet sensation of Vacation... OK, I have not even begun my vacation yet and the dread is slowly starting to pool at the base of my spine. You know the dread, that feeling you get on the last day of your vacation and you realize you didn't accomplish any of the things you had planned to... or when you realize that the time went WAY too fast and you suddenly HAVE to go back to work tomorrow... ...and I haven't even failed yet... So my plan as I see it... 1. Gonna go to the Scottish Highland games on Sunday... it will be hot and I have been given permission to drink beer (well, not permission per se, but somehow there is a green light towards my involvment with the bear garden) 2. Gonna get the oil changed in the car (this may be my one "chore" or "errand" that I attempt over my break) 3. Something about Mexican food, either making it or just eating it... remember something about the mexican grocery in Burien... taking the girls and drinking Mexican Coke (It is better than the american coke, trust me on this... ) ***OK, they use real cane sugar to sweeten Mexican Coke... Coke made in the states does not... the real cane sugar makes a huge difference... if you have the choice grab the cola made with the cane sugar...*** 4. Gonna go camping to Cape Disapointment. Pictures of this place look beautiful. Beach on the sound, waves crashing, wild life... close enough in to daytrip to La Connor or Oak Harbor... Tenting it with the girls... We will set up their little pink castle tent for them to sleep in and they will not sleep in it... but I may.... 5. I am going to sleep a lot. 6. The old lady is going to be in Denver and I actually have to work wed and thur so the girls will have a sleep over at Grandma's house on wednesday night so I will have a full night completely ALONE... I want to sit in my quiet apartment, in front of the fan and drink a beer, maybe watch a violent movie (can't do that with the girls home), eat frozen pizza with sausage (gonna cook it, Gosh!!), not do any dishes or laundry or such... yeah... good times... **Is this wrong... should I be aspiring to something greater with my free time? Staying out late or saving orphans or something? Assuming, here, that I could get away with doing almost anything in the world all of a sudden, is choosing to sit on my ass and drink a beer in silence not the best use of my time??? Discuss amongst yourselves and report back your findings*** 7. Going to have some sort of adventure with the girls... maybe just going to the beach or something... had a thought about taking them up to the mountains, but with all the people getting attacked by bears and cougars, and kids getting kidnapped by psychos and people being suspicious of me being one of them if I am out in the boonies with 2 chirrens makes me nervous... I want to take them somewhere and show them the stars... we'll see. That is about all I can think about, at least all that is remotely exciting... will probably do other things, you know, take showers, see the parents, etc... ****** P.S. CONGRATULATIONS TO MR. AND MRS. POPPOPCLICK FOR GETTING MARRIED AND KNOCKIN' THE BOOTS IN HAWAII... Really, Kat... I am happy for you... Posted 7/29/2005 at 2:14 PM |
I'm Remembering... Aaahghghg.... Strange... Posted 7/26/2005 at 12:46 PM |
WHOA... Posted 7/15/2005 at 3:29 PM |
Okay, listen up... Posted 7/13/2005 at 12:40 PM |
It was a dark and stormy night, and we had to change buses today after our bus broke down or something, never really got the full story. So this stampede starts as we move from one bus to the other, with people that had been waiting to get on the bus making a mad dash for the new bus when they saw all of us getting off and moving to the other one. I got my usual seat, but the sausage (gonna call him the sausage from now on), by the time he got on the bus, had missed out on HIS usual seat. I saw a couple people sit down in his usual seat and he just stood there and stared like he was confused (like fish getting clubbed on a pier). So he sits accross from me, and the tranny sits to the right of me and we start rolling and suddenly I am is a cloud of stink. I don't know who it was that was stinking up the place but I was literally engulfed (literally). So I kinda look up over my book (Impossible Vacation by Spalding Gray... I recommend it) at the sausage (and this is the part where I give him his name) and sees on his fat little hand a wedding band (and rhyme while I do it). This poor little piece of metal was buried in flesh. It looked like those metal rings they use to tie off the end of sausages (see, sausage). I have no idea how he got it on, but am damn sure that he cannot take it off... And based on the creases in his skin (think of a walrus) I would imagine that the stink is from some cheese that is growing in there... actually thats not fair... but he does stink... that and I imagine the tranny that was sitting next to me probably stunk also... he/she looks like someone who would smell... plus I am on the bus, so there is bound to be stench based on that fact alone... and here I am, a Rose, an island in the sea of stink... So, no, really... It WAS a dark and stormy night, but then the clouds cleared and the rain stopped, and the wind stopped blowing, and I was finally able to light my barbeque (couple of brats in a nice beer and onion bath, yummy) without too much of a hassle so that I would finally be able to entertain my guests (although I was worried that perhaps the garlic in the brats and the onions and beer in the bath would make my breath smell so I was a little self conscious and beating myself up for being so paranoid; Dammit, I was amongst friends) with my special cooking flair. Posted 7/12/2005 at 10:55 AM |
OK, People.... I am calling for a return of Butt Rock. This stuff the kids call "music" today just ain't cutting it... It all sounds the same to me... One band comes up with a unique sound, everyone flocks to it, and suddenly all the other bands changing their sounds... It just ain't right!!! What we need is a good old fashioned Butt Rock Arena tour. Something along the lines of a Ratt/KIX double bill, but modern... They need to get the big hair rollin', the tight pants (jeans, dammit, not that spandex (unless they are a chick band))... There should be some power cords and heavy double bass on the drums... their should be 2 guitars players, 1 bass player, at least one drummer, NO KEYBOARDS (sorry people) unless it is a hammond organ or only occasionally used for a power ballad... The lead singer should NOT play an instrument (no, not even bass) except for the occasional keyboards (or constant hammond organ) or harmonica... If there is a chick in the band it should break down like this... 1) Chick is the lead singer and she is hot. 2) Chick plays rhythm guitar. 3) The entire band is made up of chicks (EVEN the drummer). No other set up is acceptable and in all cases the chick must be HOT and not involved with any of the dudes in the band... If it is a chick band then they should all apparently be involved with each other ('cause they're all HOT, and that would be HOT) but willing to throw a bone to some lucky dude in the audience occasionally. There should be very little in the way of makeup on the guys (maybe some eyeliner, but definitely nothing on their cheeks). All instruments should look like instruments and NOT shoot flames or water. Drum kit should NOT revolve in circles or go out into the crowd. Random hoes that jump up on stage should not be tolerated, but chicks that throw their panties on stage should have said panties hung on the mic stand regardless of panty size. Band members should NOT be numbnuts, and should be in it for the music. No animal cruelty. Alcohol and drugs should be used in moderation, but definitely used when recording and writing (essential for the creative process, yo). Back stage riders (the shit the band asks for backstage) should be limited to necessities and for every idiotic request 1 other item should be removed (maybe 2... haven't worked this one out yet)... OVERALL we need some heavy heavy sounds.... Power chords, solo's, professionally trained and articulate vocals (gotta understand the lyrics, none of this grunting) ***amendment*** Lyrics do not have to be understood if it is done in a way that causes people to discuss them... so, misunderstanding the lyrics (Blinded by the light, eh) is fine. The point is that you gotta be able to make out WORDS, dammit. ***end amendment*** OH, yeah, Band Names... Dammit people, think about what you are naming your band... not all the good names are taken and keep in mind that just because it makes sense on a local level does NOT mean that someone outside your locale is gonna get it... and stay away from recent pop culture references as they could easily fade away and at that point your band is associated with a worn out something or other (whats the word I am looking for... fad?) Oh, yeah... none of that ultra macho violent posturing either... it doesn't need to come down to some sort of cock fight, ya dig... OK... so I did a little google search on "butt rock" and seems that other people have things to say about it... saw some lists that I was NOT impressed with... Dammit, Guns and Roses? Poison? Ugly Kid Joe? WTF... What I am talking about would be as follows: KIX, RATT, Warrant, Winger, Motley Crue, Queensryche (back in the day... queen of the RYYYYCHEEE) On the heavier side, lets go with some Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallic (before they turned into bastards), Scorpions (before they became super annoying)... I tell ya what... if the movement needs a leader, a role model, you know who they need to bow down to.... do I even need to say it??? Billy Idol... Yeah... he's the man!!! Hell, I will even throw in Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot... and for kicks... Van Halen when David Lee Roth was still the man... ahhhhh...... Aaarrghghgh... I am having to add this... gotta have the AC/DC (Bon Scott, damn) Alright, ya'll have your mission... Rock ON!!! Posted 7/8/2005 at 3:27 PM |
Ok people, listen up... can take anything Posted 7/7/2005 at 11:45 AM |