
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Friday July 29, 2005

Ahh, the sweet sensation of Vacation...
OK, I have not even begun my vacation yet and the dread is slowly starting to pool at the base of my spine. You know the dread, that feeling you get on the last day of your vacation and you realize you didn't accomplish any of the things you had planned to... or when you realize that the time went WAY too fast and you suddenly HAVE to go back to work tomorrow...
...and I haven't even failed yet...
So my plan as I see it...
1. Gonna go to the Scottish Highland games on Sunday... it will be hot and I have been given permission to drink beer (well, not permission per se, but somehow there is a green light towards my involvment with the bear garden)
2. Gonna get the oil changed in the car (this may be my one "chore" or "errand" that I attempt over my break)
3. Something about Mexican food, either making it or just eating it... remember something about the mexican grocery in Burien... taking the girls and drinking Mexican Coke (It is better than the american coke, trust me on this... )
***OK, they use real cane sugar to sweeten Mexican Coke... Coke made in the states does not... the real cane sugar makes a huge difference... if you have the choice grab the cola made with the cane sugar...***
4. Gonna go camping to Cape Disapointment. Pictures of this place look beautiful. Beach on the sound, waves crashing, wild life... close enough in to daytrip to La Connor or Oak Harbor... Tenting it with the girls... We will set up their little pink castle tent for them to sleep in and they will not sleep in it... but I may....
5. I am going to sleep a lot.
6. The old lady is going to be in Denver and I actually have to work wed and thur so the girls will have a sleep over at Grandma's house on wednesday night so I will have a full night completely ALONE... I want to sit in my quiet apartment, in front of the fan and drink a beer, maybe watch a violent movie (can't do that with the girls home), eat frozen pizza with sausage (gonna cook it, Gosh!!), not do any dishes or laundry or such... yeah... good times...
**Is this wrong... should I be aspiring to something greater with my free time? Staying out late or saving orphans or something? Assuming, here, that I could get away with doing almost anything in the world all of a sudden, is choosing to sit on my ass and drink a beer in silence not the best use of my time??? Discuss amongst yourselves and report back your findings***
7. Going to have some sort of adventure with the girls... maybe just going to the beach or something... had a thought about taking them up to the mountains, but with all the people getting attacked by bears and cougars, and kids getting kidnapped by psychos and people being suspicious of me being one of them if I am out in the boonies with 2 chirrens makes me nervous... I want to take them somewhere and show them the stars... we'll see.
That is about all I can think about, at least all that is remotely exciting... will probably do other things, you know, take showers, see the parents, etc...
Posted 7/29/2005 at 2:14 PM


Okay: two things.

First of all, I don't know if the misspelling was intentional, but you reported that you are going to be involved with the BEAR garden. Ummm...okay. Just please wear a condom.

Also, silly ass, you aren't going to Cape Disappointment, unless you know something I don't know. We are actually going to an equally cool-named place, though: Deception Pass. Oh, I get it. That's how deceptive it really is. It's so deceptive that you think you are going somewhere totally different.

Peace out,


Posted 7/29/2005 at 3:11 PM by DoesNotApply


OK, thought I was being careful with the spelling... It IS actually a BEER garden, although it WILL be full of men in skirts... Hairy Manly Mens in skirts... and no underwear... hhmmnnn... I guess it can't be helped...

And I totally forgot the name of the place we were going, actually researched what there is to do around cape disapointment and even kinda planned on some fun activities... until I looked at the map... Deceptive it is...

Posted 7/29/2005 at 8:27 PM by treywafer
Mrs PopPopClick is home from Hawaii.. and thank you for the congratulations.. Amazing stuff this marriage business... never done it before.. glad I waited for Mr. PopPopClick.. he's the one. Hawaii was interesting.. I'll post on my site later.. need to go cuddle.
Posted 8/6/2005 at 2:18 AM by WestCoastGold

Tuesday July 26, 2005

I'm Remembering... Aaahghghg....

Everybody seems to be on edge today. Thought it was just me, but have just been advised that others appear to be feeling the same way... Strange...
I am not sure what I am feeling, slightly uneasy, antsy... Could be because vacation is coming... Could be because I am waiting for unhappy people to email/call me... not sure...
Anywho... chick at work wrote up a little deal about memories yesterday, about some High School memories... how she was just sittin' there and this dudes name popped into her head...
Ahhh, memories (ahhh, mammeries, hehe)...
Amongst the interesting ideas I have about life and how I fit into it, is this little idea I have about remembering... and I am going to invoke the name of Kurt Vonnegut here...
In a couple of his books, namely Slaughterhouse 5, he mentions how he travels through time... he doesn't really just remember things, he is actually there. This is because time is not linear, but more like a sphere... we exist in all aspects of time at the same time (huh?) and can land in any moment of our lives at any given moment (huh? WTF is up with this sentence structure)...
Anyhow, instead of remembering you actually travel to this place in time where you actually live the moment, then you snap back to the current reality. Your trip can actually last years but noone notices because everyone exists in the always, you were here while you were there... Ya' Dig???
This idea scares a lot of people, they try to resist and stay where they are, in the current... I do too... I never seem to travel to a happy time... I usually travel to a time where I need to offer some witty reply or be a stand up guy or something but don't... just sit there looking like a nob... Although, sometimes I travel back and remember something funny (Like when I told this dude we were having a outage that was widespread, like his mamma...) and I can laugh about it...
The cool (and sometimes not so cool) thing about this time travel is that you bring the emotions back to the present with you... I like that...
The thing that bothers me, though I choose to ignore it most of the time, is that I never travel to the future... well, actually I have but not for some time now... but actually, maybe I do it all the time, maybe the current is not actually the current but the future and my actual current is what I am currently seeing as the past...
Sooooooooo... this is my future, eh??? Damn... Uhh, I wouldn't change a thing... Well, except for that one time... with the hitchhikers and the rainstorm...
Memory from Highschool...
Stupid little bastard name Larry, in my Volleyball class, senior year... he couldn't set the ball, or wouldn't. Kept making a fist and punching at the ball as it was coming down, ball would bounce off his class ring and go flying off somewhere...
Wanted to kill him... still do... see, I was KILLER... was fantastic volleyball dude... noone could touch my serves, could block my spikes... and so when we rotated the teams I got put on a team with him and this little stoner chick who never showed up... so me and larry would be up against full teams... 3 or 4 sometimes 6 people...
So I would argue with Larry and finally scared him into not showing up or playing... so I would play a full team cause the PE teacher was stoned most of the time and didn't see any reason to make a change, live with the team or die with the team... So check this out... I was allowed 3 hits, would wait for the serve, bump it, set it and spike it... then it would be my turn to serve, and since they could rarely return my serves I would get like 7 or 8 points before something would happen and they would get a chance again... I kicked their asses all by myself... Yeah!!! Glory Days... I could have been a PRO... if only the coach had put me in in the 4th quarter... yeah...

Posted 7/26/2005 at 12:46 PM


See that mountain over there? I bet you could serve that volleyball over that mountain.

You so deep! Where I come from, nobody stays where they are. They're always zipping off into the past or future. They're never where they're, like, at.

I heard the other day this chick said she doesn't even try to "be" nice, or polite, or anything, she's just her. Not to say she's a bitch; she's actually super cool and mellow and nice. But she ain't trying to be all those things, yo. She just is, dig? When I try to get into that mindframe I feel all like WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Posted 7/27/2005 at 2:41 AM by DoesNotApply

Tuesday July 19, 2005

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man
Read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, ok??? Towards the end of the first or second part of the book there is a quote that I remember always... replace a few of the words to make it your own, make it mean what you want, but end it as the original quote ends:
"There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. And that, I think, was the handle - that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting - on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark - the place where the wave finally broke and rolled back."
I am SO looking forward to my vacation (coming up here in 8 days). I will have 4 days off, work 2 days, then have 10 more days off (counting weekends which I don't work anywy)... I am gonna step back, take a look around, sleep, make salsa, go camping, go to the Highland Games (Wicked Tinkers, yo!)... Not sure what all else will happen. The Wife (hey Baby) will be in Colorado for a week so I will be left to my own devices, which really ain't that exciting... It's not like I will FINALLY be able to do all those things that she won't let me do... Or all the things that the girls won't let me do... but I will be able to do the things I prefer to do...
I like spending time with the girls... Fiona is smart as a whip and she constantly suprises me with her observations... I can't believe she is reading so well so quickly... Damn she picked that up fast...
And Jessica... dang, where to start... she is the cutest thing I have ever seen (most of the time) and has the most active imagination... she is always something else, a duck, a dolphin, a puppy... you name it. And as far as she is concerned there is nothing that she can't do...
And of course Paula... she amazes and frightens me daily... she helps me grow more than anything... Ahhh, and she is a fox... have I mentioned that?
On a side note, I have (and typically do) work on these posts throughout the day as I do other things. Multitasking while I do my thing. It is amazing how my thought process changes as the day goes on. For example, I have re-written this deal 3 or 4 times today. It was going in multiple different directions as things occurred to me and as things happened to me. If you are every confused or amazed or pleased with the things you read here you should see the things that don't ever make it... Just thought I'd throw that out there... be amazed, eh...
Posted 7/19/2005 at 5:26 PM

Friday July 15, 2005

Ya better get yourself a cup of coffee and make yourself comfy before you dig into this one... and some paper towels for when you take a drink of coffee and end up shooting it out your nose.
I am trying to wrap my mind around the Dark and Stormy Night contest/theory/fun time writing assignment. It doesn't need to start with It Was A... not at all. Basically the idea is that this is the opening sentence to a novel. This is the set up, the idea that sets the theme for the rest of the novel. I have been facing it as a stand alone idea... gotta get past that. People ought to give it a try...
Got a call yesterday from a casting agent. Seems there is this film in the works (been hearing rumours in the industry about this) and they are thinking that I might be perfect for the part. Problem is they are bringing in a director from oversees, some french dude. They are wanting this to be kinda arty, not really big budget or mainstream, but something that would apeal to casual porn lovers... They are wanting me, but are concerned that my high profile visibility might not work with what they are going for. They would like to fill this with unknowns and up and comers (no pun intended). Basically they would like me to change my name for the credits so people won't see the movie just because of me...
You know how hard it is to come up with a new name in the adult film industry? Damn... but I got an idea... sounds kinda classy... thought I would run it by ya'll to see how it flies... But Dammit... keep it quiet. This is my bread and butter here, ya dig...
So I am thinking about going with: Chaz Topper-Bottomhoff.
Eh? Eh?
So this chick I know is getting married (I know she reads this but she's cool) and she is marrying this Ethiopian dude. At least I am pretty sure he is Ethiopian since she mentioned that he speaks a little Ethiopian. Now my first thought was of Starvin Marvin on Southpark (because I prefer to think of black dudes as little skinny dudes instead of them big angry bucks) but I dropped that when I heard his name was Bryan. So I was thinking, so this chick is getting married (wearing white?!?!) and so when you get married the chick often takes her new husbands last name. Then I was thinking, hey, whats this dudes last name? What kind of names do they have over there? I asked her and she told me... I won't put it here but lets just say it ain't too different from Smith or Jones. I was hoping that is would be something with a lot of H's and U's with some M's thrown in... Muhbuhhmahu.... Mbhuumuuh...
Then I was thinking, maybe it ain't like that at all... Maybe they are the people who talk in pops, clicks and whistles... So I was all like "it would be cool if your new last name was gonna be Clickclickpop... She could hyphenate her last name to... Damn.. OK, whats the rule here... I didn't ask her if I can use her name, but this little drama doesn't work without putting her name out for the world to see...
I tell ya what, lets just use our imagination here and think about how funny it would be if your name was "whatever-clickclickpop"... heh... see how funny that is?
OK, so this Bear (big gay dude) at work likes to send me links to "funny" things... Sometimes they are, sometimes they ain't...
So the other day this dude sends me a link to this product... This product was a Mens Personal Shaver or some such thing... I didn't pay a lot of attention, but the main idea was that it was a battery powered shaver so dudes can shave themselves... NOT an electric razor for shaving off the facial muff, but an actual shaver for shaving the pelt. Now most people know that I am the proud owner of a lush and luxurious pelt (well, maybe not completely proud, but anyhow...). So the dude was saying that I should get on it and shave myself or something. My first thought was "why the hell would I do that"... and I asked him, and according to this VERY scientific survey done 80% of the women surveyed don't dig the hairy dudes and something like 70% of the men surveyed agreed... but that was in the UK. So converting those figures from metric to normal #'s I figure that 50% of the women and 75% of the men in the US find me acceptable if not downright adorable. Assuming of course that the men are Gay and the women are HOT.
My second thought was "do you have any idea how long this would take to accomplish?". Seriously, where would I start. How does one arrange the remaining pelt into asthetically pleasing patches? Of course complete removal would be out of the question, although making the scrot a bit more aerodynamic sounds fun. Then, also, consider that I hold hairless men in contempt and furthermore I really dig women who like hairy men (it works out better that way).
So then, through the power of the internet, I ended our little instant message conversation and the world returned to normal...
Hey.... are the White Stripes popular? They should be... really... I think they might be underrated. I want to hold hands Meg...
You know who else is underrated? Possum Dixon. I tell you they are about at the top of my list of favorite bands... Too bad they broke up about 10 years ago...
OH, and I have a bounty out for anyone that can pick me up or has a copy of a punk bank out of Portland called The Obituaries. They only came out with 1 album and I have 1 single song of theirs and I am haunted by the memory of them...
OK, lets wrap this bad boy up... Time to seriously twist your mind...
Recently I posted a list of authors that have twisted my mind and led me to where I am today... I forgot someone... He has the distinction of being one of my favorite people based on his poetry/spoken word... Need a hint? He has an album called "Prison". His name is Steven Jesse Bernstein...
Check out this page and read
No No Man (part one)
Party Baloon
Did a google search on him and found some very interesting stuff. Found his sons website (didn't even know he had one, turns out he has 3).
Then I found this site (I love the internet)
I will spend much time here I am sure, but if you click on Belltown Gothic you will find a link for SJB... I am not going to post a direct link to that location as you will be amazed at the stuff you find on this site... damn...
and I am Spent...

Posted 7/15/2005 at 3:29 PM

Wednesday July 13, 2005

Okay, listen up...
I finally actually read the rules (maybe again, I can't remember) on this contest, and read through some of the submissions and realize that I need to expand my horizons a bit. Doesn't need to start with "It was a ...", eh. Seems to be some other rules mixed up in there... read them at the bottom of THIS PAGE
There is some good stuff here...
I recommend reading this HERE - Bad sex writing competition (heh, tition)...
And then I found this list of classics that should be read in order to be sufficiently english majorly and decided to take umbrage, mostly because I hated most of the books (that I have read) on the list and didn't read many of the other ones because I knew I would hate them (Literally, HATE THEM)(heh, literally, thats a pun or something).
So I decided to make a list of books you MUST read if you want to be me or at least be like me.
And these are in no particular order and may actually just be the authors instead of listing each and every book... in fact, lets just start with authors and go from there, eh...
Hunter S. Thompson ( I know I said these were in no order, but actually he is at the tippy top of the list)
Pretty much anything by him except Hells Angels.
Start with Fear and Loathing (and if you can find a copy of The Curse of Lono I will pay you cash money for it)
William S. Burrows
Dammit, don't get stuck on Naked Lunch and decide you don't like him... Start with Interzone, or Queer or Junkie
Jack Kerouac
I gotta read On the Road at least once a year,
Kurt Vonnegut - website
He has twisted my mind more than any other writer... Slaughterhouse 5, Breakfast of Champions (another book I gotta read once a year). He taught me about time travel, remind me to tell you about that some time.
Charles Bukowski
Damn! and if you have ever read any fiction or poetry by him you know what I mean when I say DAMN!
James Frey
Spalding Grey
Augusten Burroughs
Seriously, keep reading Running with Scissors (don't give up just because you get a funny feeling) and immediately follow it up with Dry...
Anais Nin
Henry and June, really... if you read that first then you can sneak a peak at her erotica "just to see what its about"...
Henry Miller
A logical progression from Anais Nin to Henry Miller... Tropic of Cancer, go for it...
Tom Robbins
Start with his first and read through to his most recent, then you get to have fantastic conversations about who should play what role when they make any of his fantastic books into a movie (I know, I know, Even Cowgirls get the Blues sucked, despite UMA being in it, dammit, they should have been truer to the book)
DUDE... Wild Ducks Flying Backwards coming at the end of august... pitter pat goes my heart... I am so excited...
I am gonna stop there... although I am sure there are at least a dozen... oh, yeah...
Tim Cahill
Road Fever - another one I gotta read every year...
Anthony Bourdain
Kitchen Confidential... Really good read... Then read A Cook's Tour...
OK, really then, gonna stop right there... feel free to add to the list, just throw it in the comments... And DAMMIT people... leave a friggin comment... What, am I doing this for my own good here??? NO, I am doing it for you, show some love... Please, love me...
It was a dark and stormy night, not the kind of night the organizers of the Mullet Carnival and Rodeo were hoping for when they were planning this years festivities several months ago, although had they known the amount of protest that would be offered against this years events they may have thought otherwise and considering this was the 25th anniversary they really had to go about "business as usual" and conflict was no stranger to these events; recent years have brought about such conflicts as the hair extension scandal of 2002 (which brought about the instant disqualification and dethroning of the previous years winner and frontrunner for the title in 2002 when a extension that hadn't been tied in well enough fell from his head (which was later found to be horsehair (HORSEHAIR!!!)) after scientific analysis), the blinding and maiming at the annual saturday late afternoon concert series in 2003 when a particularly animated and split ended mullet "banged his head" a little too hard, and particularly disturbing, the picket signs and protesters from last year were back, a bunch of goody-goodies that had something against the running of the mullet stampede, which last year resulted in the fewest deaths and broken legs than years past and was particularly meaningful this silver anniversary year.

Posted 7/13/2005 at 12:40 PM


I eprop you, sugarhead. Just think: if I hadn't read On the Road as you directed me to, I would most likely be leading a shallow, directionless (although lesbien) existence completely devoid of the flavorful richness that my weddedness to you brings.
Posted 7/13/2005 at 2:35 PM by DoesNotApply

Tuesday July 12, 2005

It was a dark and stormy night, and we had to change buses today after our bus broke down or something, never really got the full story. So this stampede starts as we move from one bus to the other, with people that had been waiting to get on the bus making a mad dash for the new bus when they saw all of us getting off and moving to the other one. I got my usual seat, but the sausage (gonna call him the sausage from now on), by the time he got on the bus, had missed out on HIS usual seat. I saw a couple people sit down in his usual seat and he just stood there and stared like he was confused (like fish getting clubbed on a pier). So he sits accross from me, and the tranny sits to the right of me and we start rolling and suddenly I am is a cloud of stink. I don't know who it was that was stinking up the place but I was literally engulfed (literally).
So I kinda look up over my book (Impossible Vacation by Spalding Gray... I recommend it) at the sausage (and this is the part where I give him his name) and sees on his fat little hand a wedding band (and rhyme while I do it). This poor little piece of metal was buried in flesh. It looked like those metal rings they use to tie off the end of sausages (see, sausage). I have no idea how he got it on, but am damn sure that he cannot take it off... And based on the creases in his skin (think of a walrus) I would imagine that the stink is from some cheese that is growing in there... actually thats not fair... but he does stink... that and I imagine the tranny that was sitting next to me probably stunk also... he/she looks like someone who would smell... plus I am on the bus, so there is bound to be stench based on that fact alone... and here I am, a Rose, an island in the sea of stink...
So, no, really... It WAS a dark and stormy night, but then the clouds cleared and the rain stopped, and the wind stopped blowing, and I was finally able to light my barbeque (couple of brats in a nice beer and onion bath, yummy) without too much of a hassle so that I would finally be able to entertain my guests (although I was worried that perhaps the garlic in the brats and the onions and beer in the bath would make my breath smell so I was a little self conscious and beating myself up for being so paranoid; Dammit, I was amongst friends) with my special cooking flair.
Posted 7/12/2005 at 10:55 AM

Friday July 8, 2005

OK, People....
I am calling for a return of Butt Rock.
This stuff the kids call "music" today just ain't cutting it... It all sounds the same to me... One band comes up with a unique sound, everyone flocks to it, and suddenly all the other bands changing their sounds... It just ain't right!!!
What we need is a good old fashioned Butt Rock Arena tour. Something along the lines of a Ratt/KIX double bill, but modern...
They need to get the big hair rollin', the tight pants (jeans, dammit, not that spandex (unless they are a chick band))... There should be some power cords and heavy double bass on the drums... their should be 2 guitars players, 1 bass player, at least one drummer, NO KEYBOARDS (sorry people) unless it is a hammond organ or only occasionally used for a power ballad... The lead singer should NOT play an instrument (no, not even bass) except for the occasional keyboards (or constant hammond organ) or harmonica... If there is a chick in the band it should break down like this...
1) Chick is the lead singer and she is hot.
2) Chick plays rhythm guitar.
3) The entire band is made up of chicks (EVEN the drummer).
No other set up is acceptable and in all cases the chick must be HOT and not involved with any of the dudes in the band... If it is a chick band then they should all apparently be involved with each other ('cause they're all HOT, and that would be HOT) but willing to throw a bone to some lucky dude in the audience occasionally.
There should be very little in the way of makeup on the guys (maybe some eyeliner, but definitely nothing on their cheeks).
All instruments should look like instruments and NOT shoot flames or water. Drum kit should NOT revolve in circles or go out into the crowd.
Random hoes that jump up on stage should not be tolerated, but chicks that throw their panties on stage should have said panties hung on the mic stand regardless of panty size.
Band members should NOT be numbnuts, and should be in it for the music.
No animal cruelty.
Alcohol and drugs should be used in moderation, but definitely used when recording and writing (essential for the creative process, yo).
Back stage riders (the shit the band asks for backstage) should be limited to necessities and for every idiotic request 1 other item should be removed (maybe 2... haven't worked this one out yet)...
OVERALL we need some heavy heavy sounds.... Power chords, solo's, professionally trained and articulate vocals (gotta understand the lyrics, none of this grunting)
Lyrics do not have to be understood if it is done in a way that causes people to discuss them... so, misunderstanding the lyrics (Blinded by the light, eh) is fine. The point is that you gotta be able to make out WORDS, dammit.
***end amendment***
OH, yeah, Band Names... Dammit people, think about what you are naming your band... not all the good names are taken and keep in mind that just because it makes sense on a local level does NOT mean that someone outside your locale is gonna get it... and stay away from recent pop culture references as they could easily fade away and at that point your band is associated with a worn out something or other (whats the word I am looking for... fad?)
Oh, yeah... none of that ultra macho violent posturing either... it doesn't need to come down to some sort of cock fight, ya dig...
OK... so I did a little google search on "butt rock" and seems that other people have things to say about it... saw some lists that I was NOT impressed with... Dammit, Guns and Roses? Poison? Ugly Kid Joe? WTF...
What I am talking about would be as follows:
KIX, RATT, Warrant, Winger, Motley Crue, Queensryche (back in the day... queen of the RYYYYCHEEE)
On the heavier side, lets go with some Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallic (before they turned into bastards), Scorpions (before they became super annoying)...
I tell ya what... if the movement needs a leader, a role model, you know who they need to bow down to.... do I even need to say it??? Billy Idol... Yeah... he's the man!!!
Hell, I will even throw in Twisted Sister and Quiet Riot... and for kicks... Van Halen when David Lee Roth was still the man... ahhhhh......
Aaarrghghgh... I am having to add this... gotta have the AC/DC (Bon Scott, damn)
Alright, ya'll have your mission... Rock ON!!!
Posted 7/8/2005 at 3:27 PM

Thursday July 7, 2005

Ok people, listen up...
I have a serious case of ADD going on here. Seriously, have a complete lack of ability to focus on things (or worry about sentence structure apparently), and I am losing patience with it. I feel like I am going round and round some central pivot point, not necessarily avoiding the center, but unable to really ground myself in the moment...
This can be fixed, but is unlikely to be. I feel a need for some cosmic cleansing, a little sumpthin sumpthin to force be back to the middle...
Best bet would be to drop some acid. I got it all planned out (not really, see the thing above about the ADD) and it goes something like this.
1) Need some LSD. The good clean stuff like they had in the good old days.
2) Need some space to do this thing. I am picturing a room, no sharp corners, NO MIRRORS dammit (seriously, no mirrors), no phone.
3) Need plenty of music. No Jefferson Airplane... need some bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Dead Can Dance and Love and Rockets... Oooohhh, yeah... maybe some Decemberists.
4) Time, just gimme some time...
Need to come out the other side of the high white noise (eh, DR. T?) a new man. Singular and focused...
Alternately, just gimme a bottle of benzadrine (bennies, reds) and a long long drive (say, to Boise) all by myself... in September... in the middle of the night... naked...
Alternately, maybe a few of my INFAMOUS 120 proof Pina Coladas... some Billy Idol on the stereo... Hot summer night... Yeah...
Shoot... I am losing my focus again... where was I... Oh, yeah... shoot...
But really, I gotta get my shit together here people...
On a side note, I am gonna start a little project here... Gonna practice a little Dark and Stormy night stuff, see if I can win a contest... information HERE
So stay tuned for that, unless I forget or don't get around to it... can take anything
"There is a story that when the Dalai Lama was asked if you could use drugs to attain enlightenment, he said, "I sure hope so". And when Zen Master Seung Sahn was asked what he thought about using drugs to help in the quest for self-knowledge he said: "Yes, there are special medicines which, if taken with the proper attitude, can facilitate self-realization". Then he added: "But if you have the proper attitude, you can take anything - take a walk, or a bath."

Posted 7/7/2005 at 11:45 AM


how about taking some shock treatments...
Posted 7/7/2005 at 1:41 PM by WestCoastGold
Already tried that today, and as a matter of fact it helped a little... except now I am tingling...
Posted 7/7/2005 at 3:13 PM by treywafer

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