
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Monday October 31, 2005

I went out like a big boy on Friday night. Forgot how it is done, it has been so long... lot of milling about and hands in the pockets type stuff...
So we took the kids to Jim and Stephs for a sleep over, little bit of fear there on everyones part...
Then we took off, went to a concert at the Showbox... The Decemberists...
What a FANTASTIC show... I will complain for just a moment here...
1) I hated the opening band and am a little concerned about the passion with which I dislike them.
2) The change over from the opening act to The Decemberists took an hour at least... they seemed to be just fuckin around up there forever and there was no place to sit...
OK, enough of that...
So again... The Decemberists... FANTASTIC!!! My God... really, WOW!!!
They were tight... had their shit together... man... I have a new favorite song... called The Tain... they opened with this and it ROCKED... they actually rocked a lot harder throughout the night than I imagined they would. Very theatrical, fun, wild... Favorite part of the night, they were doing some song, can't remember right now, and the violin gal starts playing Hava Nagila... Colin, the lead singer, is jumping around, then he stops and starts shushin' the crowd... gets everyone quiet then starts jumpin' around again... Now, lots of people were poppin' but not everyone... so he steps off the stage and comes down into the crowd... right there in front of me... gets everyone to be quiet again, then starts jumpin, everyone around him starts jumpin... he stops and gets everyone quiet again, then does it again... everyone is getting all jazzed and shit, then he gets everyone quiet and motions for everyone to get down on the ground... EVERYONE... it was amazing... everyone in the place was down... dude was right in front of me and all these people were taking pictures of him and I am sure I am in many of them, and I was all feeling sorry for the people taking pictures since they were ruined... here they are wanting to show off their evening and there is this big dork in the frame... oh well... so anyway... we are all down... then the dude gets everyone to LAY DOWN... Serious, everyone was all laying down as best they could... Heh, Paula ends up in a puddle of beer or bourbon or something... I felt bad for her...
Then he gets us all up and we all start poppin around, I could feel the floor bending below us... It was fantastic...
Oh, there is sooooo much more... but hell, I gots work to do... but here is a picture of our night for all to enjoy....
Posted 10/31/2005 at 11:5 AM


It was Chimbley Sweep, yo!

You are alarmingly cute.

Perhaps Cass McCombs reminded you of all the worst parts of Evergreen. You know what I mean. People who are very pleased with themselves even though they suck ass.

Posted 10/31/2005 at 12:34 PM by DoesNotApply

Sunday October 30, 2005

Posted 10/30/2005 at 7:4 PM

Friday October 28, 2005

OK, Then...
First off, there seems to be some concern about my scoring of certain things... "but you only gave poon 1 point and you gave XXX like 2 points and so you are saying..."... What is so hard to understand, people...
Ok, look at it this way... You can get a gold medal for brewing beer, you can get a gold medal for jumping over something with a pole, or you can get a big old trophy for winning something... Which is worth more? Dammit, poon (certain poon) is worth a hell of a lot... The poon standard is on par with, uh, precious metals... like in the paper, yo, you got the nasdaq and the DOW and shit... like that, eh... The poon standard is HIGH... it is like Google stock... way up there... technology, road trips.... eh, those are like penny stocks... so, I guess if I had to break it down even farther (further?) the poon point to technology point ratio is like 100 to 1... Damn!!! Common valuations, people... I ain's usin' the Shapley-Shubik Power Index or nothin...
On another note, I went out last night with work people, had a couple drinks and realized how HOT I was... very attractive... its true...
Later that night I had a couple very brilliant fights... a couple of those fights you have when you are barely awake, not really asleep...
In the first fight I used my intellect against this dude after I had lost a game of pool to him... no need to fight, you win, I was telling him... I figured that would be the end of it, but when I was leaving he wouldn't leave it alone... I decided to give him one last chance, and when he didn't take that I ended up beatin the crap out of him, took a gun away from him and everything... had to have someone take the bullets out of the gun for me (not sure how to work those things) and threw the gun at him (although he was laying on the ground moaning in pain)... yeah...
The other fight was brilliant, not physical at all, but I was able to convince a vegetarian that there really ain't nothin' wrong with eating meat, that if you take away the whole sustainable agriculture thing, that maybe you should consider that it is good for our souls, good for the animal that is still within us... Yeah, she was convinced... had to think on it a little bit, but I got her (not sure who this chick was, not really a dirty hippie vegetarian, hhhmmnnn)...
OK, so lets count the points....
Used the word poon 6 times... I gotta give myself 7 poon points for that (1 for each use, and 1 for educating)
Won 2 fights - 4 points, 2 for winning fights, 2 for using my intellect.
OH, and another point for drinking until I was attractive but not until I was irresistible....
Posted 10/28/2005 at 9:51 AM


Not buying the poon point thing... all that nasdac crap means nothing to me. Poon should be rated by .. well.. the very fact that it's Poon, and the fact that the word just sounds funny.

I call b.s on your fightin stories.. heheee..

Posted 10/28/2005 at 12:54 PM by WestCoastGold
I can't visualize you being in a fist fight with someone who actually totes a gun!! Jeezus, please tell me this is made up and that people don't run around all over the place with guns. Seriously, who are these vegetarians who are so easily converted???? There is nothing you could do (short of giving me a cool million $$) to make me eat a mammal or birdie. I mean it!
Posted 11/9/2005 at 2:27 PM by kittymommy

Tuesday October 11, 2005

I have been trying to collect my thoughts, here, you see, but seem to be having a hard time of it...
Obsession 1:
Got my mind set on getting a VW Bug... Trying to make this a reality. There are apparently 2 types of bugs in the greater puget sound... $500 bugs that either don't run or the body is rusting out... or $3000 bugs which is WAY more than I want to spend. Current plan is to have the sis-in-laws b-friend who is a master mechanic buy me one in the Treasure Valley area and fix it up a little and drive it home from there... Score: 1 point for buying the bug, 1 point for roadtrip, and 2 bonus points for doing both at the same time...
Obsession 2:
Google stalking... is that bad? I googled a couple ex'es from my past (duh) and voyeured in on their lives just a little bit. For that matter I google stalked Mr. Seattle and peaked in on his life. It is like picking a scab or something... seeing if that scar has healed. Thought about dropping people a line, but I don't really have anything to say, eh... "hey, how ya' doin'? What you been up to? Uh.. ok, nice talkin to ya'..." Really now... I don't see any warm satisfying friendships being rekindled or evenings spent getting together for dinner and rehashing old times... So gonna let it go, for real...
Gotta score this one: 1 Point for stalking skills, 1 point for voyeurin', -1 for not taking it any farther, but and extra credit of 2 points for technology. You know I love technology.
Obsession 3:
I am NOT gay... or is it... not GAY...
Today, being national coming out day and all, I decided to come on out and declare it for all the world... Sorry Fella's, this guy like the poon. For real... Dudes can try and out me all they want, lust after my booty, wanna snuggle up with me, buy me a beer, whatever... but, when I go home at night, there ain't no room for another fella in my bed...
So how we gonna score that one? Lets see: 1 point for poon, 1 point for being strong and coming out, no bonus... damn...
Thats about it for today, so lets see... that give me 9 points... sweet.
Posted 10/11/2005 at 3:55 PM


poon only garnered 1 point?

Posted 10/11/2005 at 6:27 PM by WestCoastGold
Yeah, huh--my poon's at least worth fitty points...
Posted 10/11/2005 at 8:20 PM by DoesNotApply

OK then, I ain't talkin' bout no Canadian poon points, which are only worth about .75 or Japanese poon yen, which exhange at like 0.00872121 poon yen per...

Like, an super fine american poon point is worth much more than its worldwide counterparts, eh...

Don't get me started on the worth of puddin'...

Posted 10/11/2005 at 9:5 PM by treywafer

As usual, I am LMAO at yer post. So, if stalking is worth one point---how much do I get for things like: petty theft, breaking & entering, manslaughter? Just wondering, 'cuz the way work's been lately, I might be rackin' up some points on the latter one that I mentioned.

Posted 10/13/2005 at 11:47 PM by kittymommy
Well I get the whole Poon Exchange rate.. but still.. 1 point.. that's the same you gave to roadtrips.. and you actually gave Technology 2 points! So .. if what you are telling us about this 'exchange rate' is true.. technology actually rates WAYYY better than poon since 1 point is like A LOT. Hmm.. if you have poon and technology together.. do the points start multiplying? And a word to your VERY SIGNIFICANT OTHER.. No.. I don't normally talk about poon.. or spoons or even lampoons with Mr. Treywafer.. I am just miffed about his whole point system. ;-)
Posted 10/27/2005 at 4:58 PM by WestCoastGold

Tuesday October 4, 2005

Word for the Day:



Posted 10/4/2005 at 1:16 PM


Posted 10/4/2005 at 1:29 PM by WestCoastGold
Pu Pu platter
Posted 10/5/2005 at 1:34 AM by DoesNotApply
Heh, heh. You said "Bung".
Posted 10/5/2005 at 12:48 PM by kittymommy

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