Saturday, May 27, 2006
Erp... feeling funky... not sure what the matter is... stomach upset, head fuzzy, tired, etc., etc... There was no excitement on the bus today, for a change... everybody kept their distance. No eye contact was made. Didn't see any butts... ahhhhhh... Had this dream a couple nights ago... was on this porch, but it was covered in mud up to my knees... so I was trying to chase down my wife (hey, baby!) but she was all slippery... so I turns around and my old lady and her friend are jumping on this box trying to get it open... so the lid pops open and there are 3 syringes... big ass silver syringes, 3 inch needles, and 3 vials... So I am reading the instructions and it turns out the vials are full of liquid acid (LSD).. and you are supposed to inject yourself between the fingers or toes... I look up from the instructions saying "oh, hell no!" and notice that the girls have already done it and are skipping off on their way. So I am all like, "I want to get high, but I don't want to stick myself between the fingers" and doing the whole torn thing... when the girls come back and they are all like "jesus christ" and they take the syringe and just squirt it in my mouth. So I am all relieved but at the same time I am thinking, "hey, screw them" and I don't want to hang out with them cause I feel like a dork and kinda pissy since they hurt my pride, but I don't want to by high alone... and HERE is the kicker... suddenly Paris Hilton is there and she is REAL nice!!! Go figure... Posted 5/31/2005 at 12:56 PM |
size=1 noshade>
Hey, couldn't think of anything better to write about today, so here are some of my favorite things on the internet right now... Posted 5/29/2005 at 5:35 PM |
Ok then... Saturday morning, almost 8am. I have been up for an hour and half, yet I still slept in. Anything past 4am is sleeping in for me... damn. So I rode the bus home last night (duh) and I was sitting there in the front, next to the door, and the driver starts talking to me. Now I am typically a firm believer in NOT talking on the bus, but that is usually because people on the bus are strangers and you NEVER talk to strangers, dig... but the driver, his name is Terry, has been driving me home for at least 2 years now and I crave his attention, the familiarity, the acknowledgement that we have entered into some sort of relationship in the last 2 years that is beyond the casual bus riders ability. So he's all like "you got on at a different stop today." because I got on at the stop by the liquor store ( I kinda lose my ability to concentrate at this point... Something about the art of conversation has been lost by me. I think about not making too many "I" statements so as not to appear self centered. So I try to think up something else to say to keep the conversation moving without it seeming forced or small talkish... and by that time the dramatic pause has turned into an akward silence and I have become a snob or something... hhmmnnn... Typical conversation: Sigh... Posted 5/28/2005 at 11:13 AM |
Ok, so check it out... I'm riding the bus yesterday and the day before (dammit, everyday I ride the bus) and these 2 dudes get on the bus at the stop before I get off. A couple of bums, really. They all get on and start talking to everyone about how long they been waiting, one of them is hollerin' about the bike on the rack in front of the bus ("Is that from Walmart? It looks like a Walmart bike! Who's bike is that???" (it belongs to the tranny sittin next to the door, more on that later)... so with all the hollerin I gotta look. The first bum sits next to be on the bench, the other one is still standing there and I notice his pants are falling down. Falling down in the sense that at least half of his buttcrack is hanging out... lots of skin... and I notice he is using a necktie as a belt... So the bus is moving and I decide to mobilize, but to get to the door I gotta squeeze by the one dude, but I don't really want to bump into him and perhaps have his butt touch me... so I kinda lean my shoulder into him to brush him aside and I make my escape, followed closely by the freak... more on him later... So the next day I am sittin there, gettin ready to get off, when the bus pulls over at the stop before mine again... These 2 bums get on AGAIN!!! I make eye contact with the gal across the isle from me, we both are like WTF... So they get on and the one sits down again, but the other dude is having some issues of some sort... he is kinda spinning around in the isle for some reason... and I see him trying to stuff his wallet in his front pocket. Suddenly I realize that the problem he is having is that his pocket is so far away he can't reach it... way down low... which means this time his FULL ASS is hanging out... and it is like he is practically sitting on the gals face. She has her hand in front of her face to shield it... I jumped up and almost just jumped off the bus... This has deeply disturbed me for the last couple of days. Now I understand what people mean when they feel dirty about something... I feel absolutely disgusted. Dirty, all choked up, I can almost smell it... Posted 5/27/2005 at 1:18 PM |