Saturday, May 27, 2006
All Lovey Dovey Have I mentioned lately how much I admire my wife? Posted 6/29/2005 at 4:58 PM |
Peaks and Valleys Posted 6/24/2005 at 10:43 AM |
I think I have Tourette syndrome, but seem to have it mostly under control. I have these urges, you see. I feel like friggin' screaming at some of these people. Some of these people alternating between co-workers, customers and random people walking down the street. Like right now, for example, there is this bum sleeping in the doorway across the street. I feel like yelling things at him... **IRONY ALERT*** OK, so I was sittin here trying to be all creative and describe this urge to swear at people and stuff, when my phone rings... it is a customer I have had the privilege of dealing with for the last 2 years (almost). So I says "Hello X, how are you?" She says "Hi, honey, fine, how are you doing?" I am all like "good, good. So whats up?" And she says "You can't be serious. That email you just sent me, you've got to be kidding, right?" So I says "Nope." And suddenly she fills my life with the most magical tirade of the year (so far). It was AMAZING. The type of thing you see in movie, some sort of Goodfella's thing. I just sat back and enjoyed it. At one point she tells me she is going to rip me a new asshole, although she knows that it isn't my decision, but I am the messenger, etc... My reply was "OK." The game seemed to be that she would ask me a question that sounded like she actually expected an answer, then I would make a noise like I was going to answer her, kind of a garbled aarrghgh, and she would go on... obviously did not want to hear what I had to say. She used the "F" word, said "BS" a few times, GD, and probably some others... There was so much flavor going on that it all blurred together. She mentioned something about a war, and lawyers, and they will win and some other stuff. She suggested somewhere in there that I pass this message on VERBATIM to whomever is managing me now... I almost laughed as I only remembered about 10% of what she said but the thought of going over and unloading this torrent on mgmt would be funny.... But I didn't... and now I don't really care, either... really, when the Tourette's wears off I am left with rampant ambivilence... Posted 6/23/2005 at 5:28 PM |
Certain studies have shown that sleep deprivation (over time) can somehow equate to having a blood alcohol content level of .05 percent... Well, you know how I like to get my drink on, so let me ramble against my better judgement... Posted 6/21/2005 at 10:58 AM |
Girls I Would Hold Hands With PRELUDE LUDE POSTLUDE Posted 6/16/2005 at 1:24 PM |
Darling??? Are you sleeping? Good... as I have something to say that I do not think can face the light of day...
Posted 6/14/2005 at 10:30 AM |
Before I get into holdin hands with the ladies, I thought I would relate the following: Was checking out this star in the sky this morning, kinda south east, trying to figure out if it was mars or venus, when I saw a shooting star go flying by... These things always get me excited, get the butterflies inside. Just stared at where it had flown, and thought about the science behind it at first (meteorites hittting the atmosphere, blah, blah..) when I remembered I was supposed to make a wish. My first thought was... damn, what to wish for, don't want to waste it (what do you wish for when you get a freebie like this... when you can wish for anything in the world and beyond... feel free to discuss), then I thought, well, shoot, if I do think of something to wish for do I need to say it out loud or can I just think it real hard... and if I only need to think it did I accidentally already wish for something while I was thinking of what to wish for... Then I remembered that I am the only sentient being in the universe, sent here as an experiment by the creator (Ah Lady) to see what I would do in any certain situation, so I am constantly being exposed to experiences to see how I will react... Since this makes me pretty much omnipotent do to the fact that I can really do anything and say anything I want, I could actually just think my wish real hard and it would be fine. Not that I would get my wish, but the creator I probably pretty interested in what I have to say... Of course, faced with this pseudo pressure and not wanting to play into someones plans I did NOTHING... I am sure there is some turmoil happening in the big boardroom in the sky right now... all the planners and advertising execs are trying to figure out what went wrong, the focus groups love the shooting star thing... it tested well in men 28-40... should it have been brighter??? maybe it should have crashed at my feet to make me question my mortality??? HAHHAAA... take that... I am NOT your puppet... dammit! Posted 6/10/2005 at 9:49 AM |
That gun will replace your tongue. Ok, in kind of a mood at this point. Was ALL set to go off on a Iron Maiden/Samuel Taylor Coleridge/Rime of the Ancien Mariner kinda rave... I mean, holy shit, part 5 conjures up the most fantastic horror in my mind... if you are too lazy to click the link, in a nutshell part 5 (part the fifth) goes into how he finally fell asleap after everyone has died and he is the only one left and suddenly it rains and all the dead suddenly step up and sail the ship back towards home... Damn!!! Hauntingly illustrated here But then I got sidetracked... started following my muse and remembered William Blake... I decided I am a Tyger... Then I was all like, hey, William Blake... Dead Man... whoa... gotta steal a little of that creativity... so I was gonna be Nobody (in a sense I guess.. ...My name is Xamichee, he who talks loud say nothing. I preferred to be called Nobody. ...and then, and then... kinda lost my groove... cannot complete thouught... kids jumping on couch, obviouslyy tired, me too tired, bruch teeth, screaming... Tomorrow, special feature... Famous girls I would hold hands with (kinda a twist on the top ten list, because I save the special love for my wife...) and won't they be thrilled to learn they made the list... Posted 6/10/2005 at 12:3 AM |
Posted 6/8/2005 at 10:0 AM |
Holey-Moley, ain't I prolific today... Check this out... I didn't know Napolean Dynamite was on Letterman. Check this out... Talk about some killer moves... Check THIS out... Same dude as the one above, David Elsewhere. Freakin mesmerizing... And lastly, go here for a sweet version of Straight Outta Compton by some chick named Nina Gordon(or just click the link to download it). Posted 6/6/2005 at 10:54 PM |
Before I forget.... Check this out... Posted 6/6/2005 at 5:0 PM |
Below we have The Blow, AKA Khaela Maricich. The first link below is one of my VERY FAVORITE songs in the world. She ROCKS!!!
Posted 6/6/2005 at 11:46 AM |
Ahhh, the sweet sensation of employment... Being employed is like baby powder on the nipples... Whereas being unemployed or layed off is like the greasy back sweat that rolls in droplets down your buttcrack while in public... not good. I mention this because we just had a round of layoffs here at the mighty CG... ANOTHER round of layoffs. This must be the 3rd or 4th round since I have been here. Typical pattern seems to be that the head honchos come up with some brilliant business plan that involves spending a lot of money and resources, Play with it for a while, change their minds and "re-org". It is amazing to me that we are back to where we were almost 2 years ago. Plan now is the same as it was then (for the most part) but in the meantime we had to spend millions of dollars... and of course I wonder where my cut of that millions of dollars is... but enough bitching about that!!! ************* So my old lady feels like a dork... or more accurately thinks she is a dork... she actually feels like an angel... I never have thought of her as a dork, not at all. If I were to peg anyone in our relationship a dork it would have been me. Although I wouldn't have used dork... I would have used FLAVORFULL, or A CERTAIN SOMETHING SPECIAL or something. But then it all comes back to ME, doesn't it... Not to get all mushy, but I actually do admire my ol' lady sumthin' fierce. I have seen her at her best and at her worst ( I imagine) and she never ceases to amaze me. I always feel like I am trying to catch up to her, rise on up to her level. And considering how special I figure I am this would make her close to a Godessness, but not in a hippy menstrual art kinda way, more etheral... Of course, if she really wants a totem animal I will have to go with Platypus. Posted 6/6/2005 at 10:48 AM |
Sooo, I tried to get some action last night, put out some of my best moves... secret moves designed to not only get the message accross but also grease the wheels, so to speak... In part, these moves include the laying on of hands (touching the boobies) and strutting around naked... Now it is a proven fact that most people, both boys and girls, want to have sex with me. Sometimes they are blatent in their desires (offering me things, holding doors open, proudly displaying their nipples through their shirts) and others times they are a bit more sublime (making themselves smell pretty, making eye contact or checking out my package), but all in all it is VERY obvious. Not that I think I am the sexiest looking dude in the room ALL the time, but I think that people can kinda sense my hidden sexuality... like I am oozing sex in the 6th dimension and it is attacking peoples psyche... that and the fact that I am like some sort of purpetual motion machine, always on and generating my own SEXY power... So today I am a little confused, as, despite my moves (not my best moves, but damn, I didn't want to be over the top or anything) I didn't get to follow through with the actual sex part. Of course this is not my fault (not really anyones fault) but if you go through all the effort of building a rocket, and start the launch sequence, and all systems are go you don't just stop there. The main purpose is to actually take off and start exploring all the SEXY space out there... So I get confused, and because of all the facts above I must come up with some sort of explanation to explain why this didn't work. Quickly thunk up and just as quickly abandoned I came up with: 1) She is turning gay on me. This didn't work as I found it HAWT and it didn't help with my confusion. 2) She hates me/I am ugly/my breath smells, etc... Of course quickly dismissed as: Who could hate me?, We have already discussed my sexyness, and my breath smells like roses, sexy sexy roses... 3) She already had sex with someone else and didn't want to offend my by something something... That one pretty much fell apart as soon as I thunk it. So I lay there going through it all in my mind for a little while. Checked my moves again (they worked on me), ran through my process, it all checked out... I started getting a little upset. I was all like, how can she just lay there sleeping... she could be faking it, but that would take some sort of superhuman will... Maybe I should touch her boobies again... rub up against her butt... In the end I just kinda fell asleep myself, decided to save up my man essence for another day, like an athlete gearing up for a major competition... Hehehe... like the pole vault... Pole... Heh... Posted 6/3/2005 at 11:7 AM |
Sooooooooo... I am trying to be empathetic, but then I can always go for some booty knockin'. Really now, though, it makes me want to have sex... but I digress... where was I? Oh, YES... (this is one sexy post)... lets be honest here... lot of the people let go were dead weight. I would have kicked them to the curb long ago. But others, well, they were ROCKIN' individuals. People I would like to party with and such. So we have a company meeting of some sort tomorrow, probably to explain the NEW direction we are going, how we are going to be focusing our resources and how we have to do things leaner. Which typically means... nothing. The missing people will not be missed for long and they may even be replaced. Funny how things like that work... Sooo, since I was so tramatized at work I came home and had a shot of Tequila... 'cause you know that your vices will either make everything better or at least take your mind off things for a while... Oh, whoa is me. Please mister Tequila sir, take my pain away... Posted 6/2/2005 at 7:58 PM |
Faces of Jeff... one of the million frightening things you sign up for when you associate with the Mayfields... Posted 6/2/2005 at 7:41 PM |